여기서 비교적 탭프로 8.4 LTE 일체형 배터리를 교체킷을 판다. 1년 보증이 붙어있지만 한국에서는 거의 무용지물이라는게 함정이다. 배터리 광탈이 시작되면 그 때는 도전해봐지~ 

Revive your Samsung GALAXY Tab Pro 8.4 SM-T325 with this 4800 mAh, High Capacity Lithium Polymer Battery. You get a New Battery for your Samsung GALAXY Tab Pro 8.4 SM-T325, Special Installation Tools necessary for battery replacement, and easy to follow Video Instructions. You also get a full ONE YEAR Money Back Guarantee on the battery when you purchase from us!

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Revive your Samsung GALAXY Tab Pro 8.4 with this 4800 mAh, High Capacity Lithium Polymer Battery. You get a New Battery for your Samsung GALAXY Tab Pro 8.4, Special Installation Tools necessary for battery replacement, and easy to follow Video Instructions. You also get a full ONE YEAR Money Back Guarantee on the battery when you purchase from us!

